How to Set Up and Use PostgreSQL on a VPS: A Complete Guide

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) widely used for web development, data analysis, and other applications requiring robust data handling capabilities. This guide will walk you through the steps to install, set up, and access PostgreSQL on a VPS.

1. Why Use PostgreSQL on a VPS?

Setting up PostgreSQL on a VPS provides many benefits, including:

Enhanced Security: You control the security configuration, allowing you to enforce strict access rules and data encryption.

قابلية التوسع: PostgreSQL is highly scalable, making it ideal for handling large datasets and complex queries on your dedicated VPS environment.

Customizability: VPS allows you to customize PostgreSQL settings and optimize it according to your specific application needs.

2. Setting Up PostgreSQL on a VPS

Follow these steps to install and set up PostgreSQL on your VPS.

Step 1: Connect to Your VPS

First, connect to your VPS via SSH:

ssh -i /path/to/your/privatekey username@your_vps_ip

Replace /path/to/your/privatekey with your private key’s path and username@your_vps_ip with your VPS login details.

Step 2: Update the System Packages

Updating the system ensures that your VPS is equipped with the latest security patches and dependencies:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 3: Install PostgreSQL

Most VPS providers offer servers running Ubuntu or Debian-based Linux distributions. To install PostgreSQL, enter:

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib -y

This installs PostgreSQL along with additional tools and libraries.

Step 4: Start and Enable PostgreSQL

Once installed, start the PostgreSQL service and enable it to start on boot:

sudo systemctl start postgresql

sudo systemctl enable postgresql

Step 5: Secure PostgreSQL

By default, PostgreSQL creates a user named postgres with administrative privileges. Switch to this user and set a password:

sudo -i -u postgres


In the PostgreSQL command-line interface, set a password for the postgres user:

ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD ‘your_secure_password’;

Replace ‘your_secure_password’ with a strong password.

Exit the PostgreSQL prompt by typing:


Step 6: Configure Remote Access (Optional)

If you plan to access your PostgreSQL database remotely, you’ll need to update PostgreSQL’s configuration files.

1. Edit PostgreSQL Configuration: Open postgresql.conf to allow PostgreSQL to listen on all available IP addresses:

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

Find the line:

#listen_addresses = ‘localhost’

And change it to:

listen_addresses = ‘*’

2. Edit pg_hba.conf to Allow Remote Connections:

Open pg_hba.conf to specify which IPs are allowed to connect to the database:

sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf

Add the following line to allow connections from any IP address. (For enhanced security, replace with the specific IP range you wish to allow):

host    all             all                  md5

3. Restart PostgreSQL: For changes to take effect, restart the PostgreSQL service:

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

3. Basic PostgreSQL Commands and Usage

Now that PostgreSQL is installed and configured on your VPS, you can start creating and managing databases.

Create a New PostgreSQL User

To avoid using the postgres superuser for everyday tasks, create a new user:

sudo -i -u postgres

createuser –interactive

The prompt will ask for the new username and additional permissions. Follow the prompts based on your requirements.

Create a Database

To create a new database, use:

createdb your_database_name

Replace your_database_name with your desired database name. This command will create a new database under the default postgres user.

Grant Access to the New User

Once the database is created, grant access to your new user:

psql -c “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE your_database_name TO your_user_name;”

Replace your_database_name with your actual database name and your_user_name with the username you created earlier.

Access PostgreSQL Database

To access the PostgreSQL prompt as your new user, run:

psql -U your_user_name -d your_database_name

Here, you can use SQL commands to manage and interact with your database.

4. Common PostgreSQL Commands

Once logged in, here are a few essential commands to get started with PostgreSQL:

List all Databases:


Switch to a Database:

\c database_name

Show Tables in the Current Database:


Create a New Table:

CREATE TABLE example_table (


    name VARCHAR(50),

    age INT


Insert Data into a Table:

INSERT INTO example_table (name, age) VALUES (‘John Doe’, 30);

Query Data from a Table:

SELECT * FROM example_table;

Update Data in a Table:

UPDATE example_table SET age = 31 WHERE name = ‘John Doe’;

Delete Data from a Table:

DELETE FROM example_table WHERE name = ‘John Doe’;

Exit PostgreSQL:


5. Securing Your PostgreSQL Database

Security is vital when running a database on a VPS. Here are some additional tips to secure your PostgreSQL database:

Limit Remote Access: Allow only specific IP addresses to access PostgreSQL remotely by modifying pg_hba.conf.

Enable SSL/TLS Encryption: Configure PostgreSQL to encrypt connections, especially if data is accessed remotely.

Regular Backups: Use pg_dump to back up your databases regularly. For example:

pg_dump -U your_user_name your_database_name > your_backup_file.sql

Replace your_user_name, your_database_name, and your_backup_file.sql with your specific details.


Setting up PostgreSQL on a VPS enables you to manage data efficiently with enhanced control and security. By following the steps above, you can install, configure, and access PostgreSQL on your VPS and ensure your data is secure and accessible. Regularly monitor your VPS resources and adjust configurations based on your application’s needs to ensure optimal performance.

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